3 Things to Get Rid of For a Minimalist Kitchen – According to Designers and Organizers

3 Things to Get Rid of For a Minimalist Kitchen – According to Designers and Organizers

By 25 August 2023 Blog

Choosing minimalism for your home or kitchen interiors can feel like a fresh breeze in a world full of stuff. Minimalism isn’t just about having fewer things in design and creativity but a thoughtful way of living, focusing on keeping things simple and purposeful. One part of your home that could use some simplification is your kitchen.

Interior designers and organizers recommend these three tips to maintain a neat, practical, and minimalist kitchen space.

#1.  Remove Excess Gadgets and Appliances –

Shiny gadgets and appliances may seem appealing in the kitchen, but do you really need all of them? It is recommended to get your kitchen carefully reviewed by the top interior designer Dubai before keeping everything over the counter. Part ways with the appliances which you rarely use or aren’t useful in day to day cooking.

Always think if the gadget is necessary or use it occasionally and simplify your kitchen space accordingly. It will help you get extra counter space and make kitchen clearing easier. Give preference to high-quality knives, blender, pot, and other essential quality items that outweighs quantity.

#2. Too Many and Old Utensils –

We all have that drawer in the kitchen filled with all sorts of utensils? Some of them are in good condition and some are not in great shape. Dubai interior decorators who know about minimal kitchen design suggest keeping just the important utensils only.

Ask yourself if you really need those certain old utensils? Keep the ones you really use and like, and let go of the others which are old and not working anymore. Like that rusty can opener or chipped measuring cup? Replace them with strong ones that last a long time. It is recommended by top renovation companies in Dubai to invest in good-quality utensils that can do many things without making the kitchen space messier.

#3. Too Many Pots, Pans, and Dishes:

Imagine opening a cupboard in your kitchen and seeing lots of pots, pans, and dishes piled up. The home renovation companies in Dubai who know about organizing spaces say it’s a good idea to have only what you really need. How many pots and pans do you use often? Maybe you can give away or store the ones you hardly use.

It’s the same for dishes – do you really need so many different kinds? Choose dishes that can be used for many things. Keeping fewer cookware and dishes not only makes your kitchen tidier, but also helps you find what you’re looking for more easily.

Making your kitchen simple and neat doesn’t mean giving up how it works or how it looks. When fit out contractors say goodbye to extra gadgets, unused utensils, and too much cookware, your kitchen becomes a place that’s easier to use and take care of. It’s also better for cooking thoughtfully and living in a simpler way. Minimalism in the kitchen means choosing the top interior designer Dubai things on purpose that make you happy and help you cook better. So, get ready to tidy up and enjoy the feeling of freedom in your truly minimalist kitchen.


About Settle: 

Settle is among the top 10 interior design companies in Dubai, specializing in creating unique and appealing architectures. With a focus on innovative and culturally influenced designs, our team of experts delivers exceptional interior solutions & fit-out construction work for residential and commercial projects. Team Settle is committed to translating clients’ visions into beautiful & ambiance-focused interior space as its top interior designer company in Dubai

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